Chapter-17 Different Actual And billed Quantity

Normally Billed Quantity and Actual Quantity delivered will be one and the same. But under following situations there may be chances for different Actual and Billed Quantity.

Rejections: All Billed quantity need not to be in order. Some damaged / substandard goods Toy also get delivered.

Variety: Excess goods may be sent for the sake of variety. Customer may pick best ones and return rest. Sarees, Jewels, Tiles are some of the examples that needs variety to select one.

Freebies: There are many promotional or seasonal offers that give freebies. For example, fifth will be free when a bundle of 4 Bath Soaps purchased.

Though the Billed Quantity is going to get charged in Accounts, but the Actual Quantity must be recorded in Inventory Books. Then only proper stock maintenance is possible.

Enabling Actual & Billed Quantity   :

To enable this feature, set ‘Yes’ to ‘Use different Actual & Billed Quantities’ field in F11: Features -> Inventory Features.

Entering vouchers with Actual & Billed Quantities:

All vouchers that affect inventory values will have two quantities. If both are same, then the unique quantity can, be entered in both. In case of different quantities, then correct quantities must be entered in respective fields. Reason for the difference may be noted in Narration field. In case of freebies, then it must be specifically given in the invoice itself. So, additional description can be used to specify the offers / schemes.

Note: If a different item was offered free, then set ‘Yes’ to ‘Allow Zero valued entries’ field in F11:Features.

Impact of Actual & Billed Quantities in Books:

As already discussed Inventory Books must reflect Actual Quantity. But Accounts book must reflect Billed Quantity. Let us check these impacts through Display options.

Impact of Actual Quantity in Inventory Books:

Display the stock vouchers and check whether the Actual Quantity is reflected there. Path is: Display -> Inventory Books -> Stock Item -> <Name of Stock Item> -> <Month>.

Impact of Billed Quantity in Accounts Books:

Purchase register or party ledger will consider the billed quantity.

Printing Invoice with Actual & Billed Quantities:

Both quantities can be printed in sales invoices by configuring so. At the same time, printing actual quantity may also be abstained.

Chapter – 17 Different Actual & Billed Quantity:


  1. A grocery shop owner wants to know the actual stock lies with him after considering offers given by the wholesale agent and damages in transport as reported below:

Purchased from MS & Co

Bath soap50 pcs122 for 10Nil
Gingelly oil30 pkt753 Match Box1 Pkt
Match Box25 bx  31 Bath SoapNil
Cream Biscuit20 pkt10Nil2 pkt

Show the 1) Purchase Register for Billed Quantity and 2) Stock Vouchers for Match Box.

2. A Chemical dealer wants to enter the following purchase bill in his books. But due to the inherent nature of chemical actual quantity different. Please help him to enter the bill:

Hydro Choleric Acid32.00 Ltr15031.36
Nitrogen Gas14.50 Kg22514.07
Citric Acid2.00 Ltr1702.00