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#1. Which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box?
#2. We can quickly change the appearance of your work by choosing Auto Format from the _________ Menu.
#3. To protect a worksheet, we can choose protection and the protect sheet from the __________ menu.
#4. We can open the highlight changes dialog box by choosing track changes from the ____________ menu.
#5. To copy cell contents using drag and drop, press the _________
#6. In excel the column width changes from _________ to ____________
#7. It is possible to _________ the name of the cell.
#8. Char(65) will return ___________
#9. Form option is present in _________ menu.
#10. Set of Work sheet is called as __________
#11. The extension of the workspace file is _________
#12. We can use maximum 3 fields at the same time during ________
#13. _________ is the shortcut key for spell check.
#14. Protect sheet and protect worksheet are ___________
#15. _____________ is the shortcut key to hide the selected column.
#16. Which of the following is not a valid zoom percentage in Excel?
#17. The Spelling tool is placed on ______ toolbar.
#18. “Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3” is an example of a ___________
#19. We can edit existing excel data by pressing the ____________
#20. What term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface?
#21. _____________ is the shortcut key to edit a cell.
#22. Each Scenario can change a maximum of _________ cells.
#23. _____________ and ____________ are the two type of chart type.
#24. ___________ is the shortcut for Redo.
#25. The Shortcut key for Font dialog box is ____________
#26. The Default row height is ____________
#27. The default Zoom size is ________
#28. Abs(-125) will return __________
#29. Len(“computer”) will return ___________
#30. __________ is the shortcut key for paste command.
#31. The Shortcut key for Undo is ____________
#32. The left end of the formula bar is called as _________
#33. Text to columns present in __________ menu.
#34. ___________ Number of sheets are opened when excel opens the workbook.
#35. __________ and _____________ are the two types of filter.
#36. ODBC is the acronym for ________________
#37. __________ toolbar is used to run a macro.
#38. ________ generates the serial number automatically.
#39. The function power(10,2) Will return ___________
#40. Merge cells option can be applied from ____________
#41. We can remove borders applied in cells by ____________
#42. If we press _________ the cell accepts your typing as its contents.
#43. We can set page border in excel from ___________
#44. We can check the conditions against __________ when applying conditional formatting.
#45. Formatting a cell in number format we can’t set as _____________
#46. By applying today() function, the result is __________
#47. _____________ is not an option in the spelling dialog box.
#48. The Default Column width is __________
#49. We can apply condition to the table using ___________ formatting.
#50. We can group all the details in __________ menu.
#51. On an excel sheet the active cell in indicated by ?
#52. You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to
#53. What term describes explanatory text attached to a cell ?
#54. To hold row and column titles in places so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet, click the
#55. A function inside another function is known as ?
#56. Which function calculates your monthly mortage payment ?
#57. Got functions? No? You need the insert function dialog box. How do you get it?
#58. Which of the following is not true regarding Conditional Formatting?
#59. ?In a worksheet you can select
#60. Which of the following is not an underline option in the format cells dialog box?