Visual Basic December 17, 2017 selva Online Exams Results Java MS Excel Java MS Excel Next#1. The Shortcut key for properties window is ________________ F5 F5 F2 F2 F7 F7 F4 F4 Next#2. ________ layout window used to position your forms at design time. Form Form Code Code Project Project Properties Properties Next#3. A standard exe project contains ________, ________ and code modules. Project, Controls Project, Controls Forms, Controls Forms, Controls Forms, Project Forms, Project None None Next#4. The Extension for visual basic application file is __________ .EXE .EXE .VBP .VBP .VBF .VBF .VBE .VBE Next#5. The Extension for visual basic Project file is ________ .FRM .FRM .VBN .VBN .CLS .CLS .EXE .EXE Next#6. DLL Stands for _________ Dynamic Link Library Dynamic Link Library Data Link Library Data Link Library Dynamic Late Library Dynamic Late Library None of the above None of the above Next#7. DDE stands for ______________ Data Development Environment Data Development Environment Date Development Environment Date Development Environment Data Disk Environment Data Disk Environment Date Disk Environment Date Disk Environment Next#8. Timer control has _________ number of events. Milliseconds Milliseconds Milliminutes Milliminutes Millihours Millihours None None Next#9. _________ is the extension for ActiveX Components. .acx .acx .ocx .ocx .cax .cax .cox .cox Next#10. We can Place more than one ______ form in a project. Multiple Multiple Single Single Two Two None None Next#11. _________ control does not have any events. TextBox TextBox Command Command Label Label Combobox Combobox Next#12. __________ Control has the stretch property. Command Command Image Image ImageBox ImageBox ImageList ImageList Next#13. _________ and ___________ of form are same. Project and Scale Width Project and Scale Width Scale Width and Width Property Scale Width and Width Property Scale Width and Property Scale Width and Property None None Next#14. ________ and ____________ functions are used to determine the lower bound and upper bound of the array. Lbound and Ubound Lbound and Ubound Lcase and Ucase Lcase and Ucase Both a and b Both a and b None None Next#15. _________, _____________ & _________ are three types of dialog box. Pre-defined, Customized and Standard Pre-defined, Customized and Standard Project, Customized and Scale Width Project, Customized and Scale Width Properties, Customized and String Properties, Customized and String None None Next#16. ________,__________, ___________ are key events. Key Up, Key Down and Key Press Key Up, Key Down and Key Press Key Left, Key Up and Key Down Key Left, Key Up and Key Down Key Right, Key Left and Key Press Key Right, Key Left and Key Press Key Down, Key Up and Key Press Key Down, Key Up and Key Press Next#17. ___________ Explorer displays a list of the forms. Properties Properties Project Project Form Form Toolbar Toolbar Next#18. The Default Date format is ___________ DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY YY/MM/DD YY/MM/DD None None Next#19. Event procedure are usually created by __________ Project Project Properties Properties Form Form Window Window Next#20. DOA stands for __________ Date Access Objects Date Access Objects Data Access Objects Data Access Objects Data Application Objects Data Application Objects None None Next#21. _________ is the default data type in VB. Int Int String String Float Float Double Double Next#22. Extension of class modules is ________________ .BAS .BAS .CLS .CLS .VBP .VBP .VBF .VBF Next#23. Variable is _________ To refer the Location To refer the Location To refer the functions To refer the functions To refer the Date To refer the Date None None Next#24. The decimal position of the number represents the time between __________ & ________ HH:MM HH:MM HH:SS HH:SS MM:SS MM:SS Both a and b Both a and b Next#25. Control arrays are used for ___________ Control the menus Control the menus Control the Project Control the Project Control the same name and type Control the same name and type None None Next#26. The two panes to the page designer are __________ & ___________ Treeview and Detail Pane Treeview and Detail Pane Common Dialog control and Rich Text Box Common Dialog control and Rich Text Box Picture Box and Image List Picture Box and Image List None None Next#27. Debugging means ____________ Find and Remove Bugs Find and Remove Bugs Find and Remove Design Find and Remove Design To refer the error To refer the error None of the above None of the above Next#28. The Shortcut key for project explorer window is ___________ Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Ctrl+A Ctrl+A Next#29. ___________ control is used to display column header. DBGrid DBGrid Data Control Data Control DBList DBList DBCombo DBCombo Next#30. DBA Stands for ____________ Data Base Application Data Base Application Data Base Access Data Base Access Data Bar Application Data Bar Application None None Next#31. The two popular network systems are _________ & ______________ Server Based and Client Based Server Based and Client Based WAN and LAN WAN and LAN Server and Editor Server and Editor None None Next#32. _______ & ________ are considered as two types of logical unit. AND, OR AND, OR IF, OR IF, OR AND, IF AND, IF AND, NOT AND, NOT Next#33. The Rows of a table are called as ____________ Field Field Data Data Table Table None None Next#34. __________ is the extension of project file and __________ is the extension of form file. .VBP and .FRM .VBP and .FRM .VBF and .FRM .VBF and .FRM Both a and b Both a and b None None Next#35. ___________ has stretch property. Image List Image List Image Box Image Box Picture Box Picture Box DBGrid DBGrid Next#36. ________ function returns the current date and time from computer. Now Now Today Today Date Date Time Time Next#37. _________ is the default data type for all variables in VB. String String Character Character Integer Integer Float Float Next#38. ___________ Statement reads data from an open disk file into a variable. Get Get Put Put Both a and b Both a and b None None Next#39. The three editions in VB are ________, ___________ and _________ Learning, Professional and Enterprise Learning, Professional and Enterprise Listening, Project and Edition Listening, Project and Edition Learn, Practical and Enable Learn, Practical and Enable None of the above None of the above Next#40. IDE stands for _____________ Internal Development Enterprise Internal Development Enterprise Integrated Development Environment Integrated Development Environment Integer Development Enterprise Integer Development Enterprise None None Next#41. Variable declaration is a must in ________ C C C++ C++ VB VB Java Java Next#42. A Mouse button value for Left is __________, Right is __________ and middle is ________ 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,9 1,9 1,8 1,8 Next#43. Forms are ________ for controls. Position Position Set Set Design Design None None Next#44. ____________ finds the highest limit of the array. 40 40 25 25 30 30 29 29 Next#45. A _____ Collection contains a collection of panel objects. Data Data Object Object Panel Panel Control Control Next#46. ________ is the expansion of ODBC. Open Date Base Connectivity Open Date Base Connectivity Open Data Base Connectivity Open Data Base Connectivity Open Data Base Collection Open Data Base Collection None None Next#47. Toolbar control contains a collection of ________ object. Controls Controls Menus Menus Designs Designs None None Next#48. Database is a collection of __________ or _________ Information Or Data Information Or Data Integrated and Data Integrated and Data Function and Variable Function and Variable Variable and Keywords Variable and Keywords Next#49. Total Number of colors in QBColor method is ______ 255 255 15 15 11 11 10 10 Next#50. DHTML stands for _________ Dynamic HyperText Markup Language Dynamic HyperText Markup Language Data HyperText Markup Language Data HyperText Markup Language Design HyperText Markup Language Design HyperText Markup Language Database HyperText Markup Language Database HyperText Markup Language Next#51. Maximum index for a control array is _________ 32777 32777 32767 32767 32787 32787 38776 38776 Finish Java MS Excel