Chapter-14 Batch wise Detail

Batch number is an identification number issued to set of units of a product. It helps to know manufacturing date, component / ingredients details, defects if any, and expiry date of the batch. All Edible items, Medicines, Perishable goods, Chemicals, Paints, etc, will have Batch number details printed on its packs. Even non-perishable items like Camera, Computer and Washing machine and manufacturing date to express how fresh they are.

Acts governing Consumer Rights specifically state the Batch number details to be printed on the Products and their Invoices. If any expired goods sold to Consumers, then stringent action will be taken against Vendors. So all Businessmen expects the Accounting software must have a provision to handle batch details.  

Enabling Batch Details:

Enabling Batch details feature will lead to open special fields to get details. But all stock items need not have such things. So the facility has to get extended to necessary stock items too.

Enabling Batch details in Company:

To enable this feature, use this path: F11: Features Inventory Features set ‘Yes’ to ‘Maintain Batch-wise Details’ field. This will activate Batch number and manufacturing date fields in stock item creation/alteration screen.

In case of need for Tracking Expiry date, then set ‘Yes’ to ‘(set Expiry Dates for Batches)’ field also.

Extending batch details to stock items:

Nature of a Stock item will differ from another. Food products will have both manufacturing and Expiry date along with Batch number. Furniture will not have an Expiry date. Handicrafts/Statutes may not have batch numbers even. So the facility has to get extended to stock items based on their nature.

Set ‘No’ to ‘Maintain Batches’ field in creation of a stock item that does not have Batch number. Set ‘Yes’ when the Stock item has Batch number. ‘Track Date of Mfg’ and ‘Use expiry dates’ fields will be accessible when Batch number got activated. However, these two fields are independent and so any one/both can be set with ‘Yes’/’No’. 

Tracking Batch details in Vouchers:

Getting batch details in Purchase voucher, selection of right batches in Sales voucher and dishonoring Expired batches in sales vouchers are three important things. Let us discuss these in details.

Entering batch details in Purchase vouchers:

In a Purchase voucher, on selection of a Batch number enabled Stock item, existing Batch numbers will get listed. Purchased quantity may get added with an existing Batch or to a new Batch by selecting ‘New Number’ and entering the batch number. Batch number can be Alpha Numeric. After entering quantity, rate and amount fields, control will come to Mfg Date and Expiry Date fields. Any date on or before voucher date can be entered in Mfg date field Expiry date field may be entered with an exact date, if known or no. of days within which it will get expired.

Selection of batches in Sales vouchers:

Traders / Industries will follow a rule to send goods out. For example, bakery owner will try to sell old products first and fresh ones later. But rice seller will try to keep old ones for good Customers and sell fresh ones to unknown people. So selection of right batches in Sales voucher will give value addition to a business.

All Batch numbers will be listed along with respective Stock. Required quantity may be picked from one batch or from two also. Mfg date and expiry date/period will be added automatically.

Disallowing Expired batches in sales invoice:

Selling Expired batches is a punishable act. So expired batches should not be shown in sales invoices. When configured ‘Yes’ for ‘Honor Expiry Dates usages for Batches’ fields, only active batches i.e. live / unexpected batches will be shown even though there may be stock.

Display of reports with Batch details:

Batch details will be useful when getting Stock summary with it and doing ageing analysis based on it.

Display of Stock summary with batch details:

Detailed Stock Summary will show Batch number and the respective stock as shown above. Path is: Stock Summary -> Alt + F1.

Display of ageing analysis with batch details:

Durability / Longevity are important factors to hold a stock item. A businessman will try to send out goods that are going to be expired soon. So doing an ageing analysis based on period to be expired will help him to decide.

Display -> Inventory Books -> Ageing Analysis -> (Stock Groups) -> S: Ageing Style -> ‘To be Expired’ will help to get such ageing report.

Ageing analysis can also be done based on Manufacturing and Expiry dates.

Display of Batch vouchers:

Batch vouchers can be viewed through the path: Display -> Inventory Books -> Batch -> <Stock Item> -> <Name of batch>.

From batch vouchers report, batch summary report can be accessed by clicking on F6: batch Summary button.

Printing Batch details in Sales Invoices:

To print batch details in sales invoice, press F12 key after print command. Then set ‘Yes’ to ‘Print batch details’ field. This will print batch number and related details of each and every stock item sold in an invoice.

Chapter – 14 Batch wise Details:

Exercise 1:

  1. An Ice cream shop owner wants to monitor expired batches and wish to sell before expiry date. He has the following stock movements:

Purchases from Snowball Ice Cream

6.5.XXVanilla Cup-100 ml5015V456411.4.XX10.5.XX
 Strawberry cup- 100 ml5017S202010.4.XX  9.5.XX
 Cornett – 100 Gm3025C457826,4,XX 10.5.XX
10.5.XXStrawberry Cup – 100 ml4015S203217.4.XX 16.5.XX
 Vanilla Cup-100 ml3517V458818.4.XX17.5.XX

Cash Sales

Vanilla cup -100ml18121513618
Strawberry Cup-100ml201416151317
Cornetto -100Gm2886960

Prepare 1) Batch Wise Stock Summary 2) Ageing Analysis – By expirty Date & for Expired batches.

Exercise 2:

A Computer Printer Dealer is advised to print batch details in his bill itself.  He is primarily dealing with the following Printers and stock position as on 21.10.XX is as below:

TVS MSP 345 Printer14566815.6.XX1099912499
TVS MSP 245 Printer17758212.4.XX  899910499

On 22.10.XX he is selling on each of two types of printer to M/s MS School.  Please design the invoice to accommodate batch details and show him print preview.