Chapter-5 Bill wise Details

II – Advanced Accounting Features:

Ledger of a Customer or Supplier shall show the Closing balance on a particular Date. But it is not sufficient to collect or Pay-Off dues. In the modern business world, every bill would be marked with its own due dates. It may be based on movement of stock item, brand value, season, amount, customer base, dealer base and so on. For example, an ice cream company may set nearest due date during summer but cannot do so when it is winter. A branded Sweater manufacturer will behave the other way around.

So, for every business man, it is important to know when to collect or pay each and every bill.  It cannot get ascertained from mere balance of the ledger. He has to input bill wise details and monitor periodically to know when bill are getting overdue.

Suppose, one is calling his customer for settlement immediately after the bill date, he will loose his business. In case, he forget to call even after due date, his customers business will grow at his cost. Both extremes are dangerous for any good business.

Bill Wise Details:

Tally ERP 9 enables ‘Bill wise details’ feature when it creates company. To witness this, press F11, F1 keys one by one.

The following options also available:

Enabling ‘Bill wise Details’ Feature

Enabling Feature in Ledger

Entering or Adjusting bill details in vouchers

Display of Bill wise details report

Printing Bill wise details

Applying Bill details feature to non-trading accounts

Usage of post-dated voucher

Chapter – 5 Bill Wise Details

Exercise 1:

Assume that M/s Bill-2-<Regn. No> a home appliances company wants to keep their Receivables and Payables up to date. Their office is at 12/49 N H Road, Coimbatore. They provide the following details

Party Details:

Party                  Address          Credit Period Date                Bill No            Amount         


Samsung India 156, Sipcot      15 days                 18/3/XX          45566              25630 Cr 

                          27/3/XX          46001              15420 Cr

  LG                   21, 15th sector  15 days               30/3/ XX LG/15600 36485 Cr


Sundry Debtor

Vasanth Bros  15, Ram Nagar         7 Days             29/3/XX          0968    42780 Dr

Purchase/Sales Details

   Bill No Billed By/To               Stock Item                  Qty                  Rate    Amount

  46898           Samsung          Samsung 32” Lcd Tv              5                      25490  127450

                          Samsung Home Theatre        10                    9990      99900

  0972                Vivek              Samsung Home Theatre        6                    12500    75000


0973                Vasanth           Samsung 32” Lcd TV             4                  30550  122200

                         Bros                 Samsung Home Theatre

            LG/15791        LG Elec           LG 32” LCD TV                    6                 24990  149940

                                                            LG Home Theatre               6                   10500    63000

            0974                Vivek              LG 32” LCD TV                    4                    29990  119960

                                    Agencies         LG Home Theatre               3                 13150 39450

            0975                Vasanth           LG 32” LCD TV                    1                    29990    29990

                                    Bros                 LG Home Theatre                2                    13150    26300

            Payment/Collection Details:

            From/To         Cheque                       Bill No.                       Amount

            Samsung          564172                        45566                          25630

            Vivek Agencies       457895                        0921                            37800

           Vasanth Bros  107823                        0968                            42780

            VivekAgencies        457920                        0957                            26580


Total = 100000

LG Electronics         564186                     LG/15600                    36485

           Vasanth Bros  107910                        0973                             75000

            Samsung          107926                        46001                           15420

                                                                        46898                          184580

Total = 200000

II – Advanced Accounting Features:

Chapter – 5 Bill Wise Details

Ledger of a Customer or Supplier shall show the Closing balance on a particular Date. But it is not sufficient to collect or Pay-Off dues. In the modern business world, every bill would be marked with its own due dates. It may be based on movement of stock item, brand value, season, amount, customer base, dealer base and so on. For example, an ice cream company may set nearest due date during summer but cannot do so when it is winter. A branded Sweater manufacturer will behave the other way around.

So, for every business man, it is important to know when to collect or pay each and every bill.  It cannot get ascertained from mere balance of the ledger. He has to input bill wise details and monitor periodically to know when bill are getting overdue.

Suppose, one is calling his customer for settlement immediately after the bill date, he will loose his business. In case, he forget to call even after due date, his customers business will grow at his cost. Both extremes are dangerous for any good business.

Bill Wise Details:

Tally ERP 9 enables ‘Bill wise details’ feature when it creates company. To witness this, press F11, F1 keys one by one.

The following options also available:

Enabling ‘Bill wise Details’ Feature

Enabling Feature in Ledger

Entering or Adjusting bill details in vouchers

Display of Bill wise details report

Printing Bill wise details

Applying Bill details feature to non-trading accounts

Usage of post-dated voucher

Chapter – 5 Bill Wise Details

Exercise 1:

Assume that M/s Bill-2-<Regn. No> a home appliances company wants to keep their Receivables and Payables up to date. Their office is at 12/49 N H Road, Coimbatore. They provide the following details

Party Details:

Party               Address          Credit Period Date                Bill No            Amount         



Samsung India 156, Sipcot     15 days                        18/3/XX          45566              25630Cr


            LG                   21, 15th sector  15 days                        27/3/XX          46001              15420 Cr

            Electronics      New Delhi



            Vasanth Bros  15, Ram Nagar            7 Days             30/3/XX          LG/15600        36485Cr

            Purchase/Sales Details

            Bill No Billed By/To               Stock Item                  Qty                  Rate    Amount

            46898              Samsung          Samsung 32” Lcd Tv              5                      25490  127450

                                    Samsung          Home Theatre                         10                    9990      99900

            0972                Vivek              Samsung Home Theatre          6                      12500    75000


            0973                Vasanth           Samsung 32” Lcd TV             4                      30550  122200

                                    Bros                 Samsung Home Theatre

            LG/15791        LG Elec           LG 32” LCD TV                    6                      24990  149940

                                                            LG Home Theatre                   6                      10500    63000

            0974                Vivek              LG 32” LCD TV                    4                      29990  119960

                                    Agencies         LG Home Theatre                   3                      13150    39450

            0975                Vasanth           LG 32” LCD TV                    1                      29990    29990

                                    Bros                 LG Home Theatre                   2                      13150    26300

            Payment/Collection Details:

            From/To         Cheque                       Bill No.                       Amount

            Samsung          564172                        45566                          25630

            Vivek              457895                        0921                            37800


            Vasanth Bros  107823                        0968                            42780


            Agencies         457920                        0957                            26580

                                                                        0972                            75000

            LG                   564186                        LG/15600                    36485


            Vasanth Bros  107910                        0973                            75000

            Samsung          107926                        46001                          15420

                                                                        46898                          184580