Trouble shooting tips

System Trouble Shooting

System Trouble shooting : System Trouble Shooting with step by step explanations and solutions.

System Trouble Shooting
System Trouble Shooting

System Trouble shooting

How to solve the system problems / hardware problem / software problem ?

1System down1. Check the AC Power in to CPU
2. While switching ON the system watch that the KB Power LED glows & similarly CPU FP LED indication.
3. Check the SMPS Unit fan is functioning or not
4. If not check the power supply & SMPS Unit (fuse) etc  
2System down but while switching ON LED glows both in KB & FPFirst switch OFF the system, remove MB PWR Supply Connector & gently insert again with proper polarity
AT -> Black & Black adjacently placed
ATX -> As per the jack clip
Unscrew the card inserted & gently reinsert the card
Remove the CPU Cooler fan in the socket; then check the temperature of CPU manually by sensing.
Remove the CPU (Processor) in the socket and clean for dust particles & install properly & now, fix the cooler fan.
3System down but continuous beep sound in the PC SpeakerRAM inserted in the slot (DIMM) may be loose connection so, remove it clean for dust particles & install correctly as per the projections in the RAM.
If the same problem exists, change the RAM (DIMM) position
from 1->2 (or) 0->1 etc
Even if it is in same condition change the RAM
4System dead, no beep sound at all; but PWR supply okClear CMOS Settings & check now
If necessary change the MB battery
Press gently all the IC’s in the MB which are placed in IC base including CMOS (EEPROM) IC
Change the Processor to any other system & check for confirmation Checkout if there is any physical damages in the MB, Capacitor bulged, transistor or resistor or any IC burnt;
If exists send to service center
5Check CMOS settings wrongReconfigure all settings in CMOS & save then exit
If again and again it queries checkout the jumper settings in the MB (CMOS Clearing) default in 1 & 2 position
Even if it is default position change the MB battery
Again the problem exists, there will be problem in the BIOS IC so send to service centre
6CPU Settings Wrong reconfigureCheck your actual CPU speed & configure in CMOS then save & exit. Again the problem exists check that the MB supports for this CPU
7Boot disk failure insert boot diskDetect the hard disk drives & CD drives in CMOS settings after checking the physical connections in the system.
Then check out the boot sequence
Use any external boot disks (CD/Floppy) check the hard disk data If data exists so it is conformed that problem is only in the boot files.
Run smartdrv & use deltree & remove windows & progra~1 folder then install windows
Before doing this please conform that no data are available in the windows & progra~1 folders (Including Desktop)
8System start to enter windows while booting but interrupted & it says windows system files not foundChange the boot sequence & do the steps from 3,4,5,6 mostly this problem arises only when improper handling of system files.
9System boot normally, but the desktop does not appearsCheck out the system condition,
While booting it is initialized or not by testing the number lock key ON/OFF or CAPS lock key ON/OFF If no check the beep indication
One long & one short beep – VGA loose connections
Continuous long beep – RAM loose connection refer problem No. 3
If yes (initializing) restart the system & press the F8 key.
A menu will appear like below:
1. Normal
2. Step – by – Step
3. Safe – mode
4. Boot & View log file
5. Command Prompt Safe – mode
6. Command prompt
Now, select the 3rd option (Safe mode) And check out weather it is entering desktop.
If yes remove the VGA driver file in the device manager restart & reconfigure it If no do the solution for problem no. 8
10Windows are working well but, one or more application s/w are not functioning well (Eg. MS-Office, V.Studio)Insert the appropriate CD’s in the drive first remove the installed s/w. Freshly install the new s/w (no any data loss will occur at this time)
11Any virus indications are there (Virus found in any one or more files)Install the virus vaccine s/w’s & scan for virus after updated the latest virus definitions.
While scanning i. repair/quarantine/delete ii. heal/move to virus vault/ remove
First select repair/heal to rectify else quarantine/move to virus vault (keeping the virus file securely without spreading to other files)
If these 2 options are not possible delete file after checking out the file is an important data/system file.  
12System often hangingCheck out the CPU & SMPS unit cooler fan Change the RAM to another one system & check
Change the processor to another one system & check
Check the AC PWR supply having  
Earthing facility or not
Rare possibility in MB (Particularly in slot type CPU)
13While accessing LAN Sys hanging & also for any other type of ADD on cardsSwitch off the sys checkout the LAN card temperature, if no. of add on cards in the MB are high try to reduce
Or otherwise change the card position in the slots
If again exists replace the LAN card with a new one (So problem in LAN card buffer IC).
14While connecting to internet using internal modemCheck out the temperature of the internal modem & do same procedure as in problem no. 13 Reinstall the driver files.
15VGA, sound or any other add-on cards device driver not supportingConform that the device drivers having with you is the actual one & which will support to the device or not by referring the main IC in the card or in the MB Eg.: Sound ALC100
While system booting a message will appear
CMOS configuring is error(for floppy disk drive) PWR & data cable of floppy drive may have some loose connections  
Even if the same problem occur enable floppy disk drive seek option in the advance setting of CMOS.
Then check weather the FDD LED glows or not FDD data cable connected is inter changed; you can also see the FDD led glows continuously.
Method – 1
Data cable red line and power cable red line both are adjacent and closer
Method – 2
Data cable red line is last and power cable red line is also last

While accessing floppy disk it ask the user,
Do you want to format the disk?

1. Suppose if the floppy drive is a new one & nobody is opened the FDD, it is conform that problem in floppy (Older one floppy or track 0 bad)
2. If it is a older one or any person opened & changed the alignment you should have to sent service centre for proper alignment (since micro adjustment rqd.) manual adjustment is not possible
3. If the environment (surrounding) is a dusty one, use the floppy cleaning disk & clean the head surfaces
4. Checkout the proper physical movements of the sensor to check:
i. Read write
ii Read only
iii Floppy disk availability or not

HDD not detecting or Boot disk failure insert boot disk

If HDD not detecting in CMOS,
1. Check the PWR & data cable connections
2. Check the CMOS settings & please refer problem no. 7 & get the solutions.
1. Check out weather noise is producing by the HDD head or any other physical moving parts if it is found change the media to another one with same capacity of HDD & check
2. If noise does not occurs change the logic board of HDD of same capacity & check now
19CDD not detecting1. Check Power & data cable connections
2. Check CMOS settings whether the CD drive is detecting or not
Note: CDROM detects only in the latest new configuration systems for old system,
we should have to check at the time of booting
Primary Master … 
Primary Slave …            
Secondary Master…       
Secondary Slave…  
Here the HDD, CDD details can be viewed.