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#1. There are _________ types of currency.
#2. __________ will be opted based on the Country in which the Company is operating.
#3. All currencies other than Base currency are named as ________________
#4. To find out gain/loss arises due to fluctuation in exchanges rates known as __________
#5. Multi-Currency can be enable in _________ features.
#6. The Shortcut key for Pound is _____________
#7. The Shortcut key for Yen is _____________
#8. The Shortcut key for Euro is __________
#9. Selling Rates used in __________________ Voucher.
#10. Buying Rates used in _______________ Voucher.
#11. ___________ report can also be displayed in multicurrency.
#12. ______________ will be calculated automatically from the difference between booking and closing Exchange rates.
#13. A ___________ has to be created to automate the Forex adjustment entry.
#14. In _________________ adjusted amount will appear in Profit/Loss A/c.
#15. When Sending Statements to a Foreign party, it is necessary to send in ____________