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#1. Tally divides vouchers into _________ broader heads based on their impact.
#2. ________ vouchers are for recording Receipt of Money or equivalents such as Cheque.
#3. The Shortcut Key for Receipt Voucher is __________
#4. ___________ vouchers are meant for recording Expenses, Buying Assets, Buying Assets for business process.
#5. The Shortcut key for Payment Voucher is _____________
#6. Deposit of cash and Withdrawal of cash from bank is comes under __________ Vouchers.
#7. The Shortcut key for Contra Voucher is _________
#8. _________ voucher is meant for all type of purchases such as cash purchase, Credit purchase etc.
#9. The Shortcut key for Purchase Voucher is ___________
#10. ___________ voucher is meant for all types of Sales.
#11. The Shortcut key for Sales Voucher is __________
#12. _________ Voucher is an accommodate any type of transaction.
#13. The Shortcut key for Journal voucher is _____________
#14. Sales/Purchase entries can be prepared by using __________ mode.
#15. ___________ key is used to change Invoice mode.
#16. Any voucher which consists of multiple debits/credit is known as __________ entry.
#17. ___________ keys will help to create new Ledger.
#18. __________ keys in ledger used to recall of first ledger of recently created.
#19. ________ key is used to recall Narration of last Voucher that falls under the first ledger of the entry.
#20. Vouchers that records inwards and outwards of stock items,in terms of measurement is known as _____________ Vouchers.
#21. The Shortcut key for Delivery Note is __________
#22. First Materials will be sent vide Delivery Challan is known as ____________
#23. To enable Delivery Note and Receipt Note, ____________ key is used.
#24. The Suppliers will maintain the stock register using ______________
#25. The Shortcut key for Receipt Note is _________
#26. Customer need not accept all materials sent through Delivery Challan is _____________
#27. Supplier need not accept all materials sent through Receipt bill is __________
#28. The Shortcut key for Rejection out is __________
#29. The Shortcut key for Rejection in is ______________
#30. _______________ is meant for recording Godown transfers, Consumption of items.
#31. ______________ Vouchers is helps to record the stock physically found during stock taking.
#32. The Shortcut key for Stock Journal is _____________
#33. The Shortcut key for Physical Stock is __________
#34. In Voucher Entry, _______ and __________ keys will help to alter previous or next vouchers.
#35. ___________ keys is used in alteration mode helps to cancel a Voucher.
#36. ____________ key is alteration mode will lead to deletion of voucher after getting confirmation from user.
#37. In display mode, user can add voucher after the highlighted bar by pressing ____________ keys.
#38. ___________ key will help to insert a voucher just before the highlighted bar.
#39. Transactions which will affect only financial books or transactions is known as __________ Vouchers.